Shining a Light on New Intervention Opportunities: Introducing Rx Concierge
In the ever-changing world of health care, where drug advancements and economic pressures constantly reshape the landscape, innovation becomes critical. We recognized these challenges early on and that’s why we created Rx Concierge to benefit patients, providers, and businesses.

Shining a Light on New Intervention Opportunities: Introducing Rx Concierge
In the ever-changing world of health care, where drug advancements and economic pressures constantly reshape the landscape, innovation becomes critical. We recognized these challenges early on and that’s why we created Rx Concierge to benefit patients, providers, and businesses.

Understanding the Market Need
The decision to create Rx Concierge stemmed from a deep understanding of the complexities within the pharmacy market. We witnessed firsthand the rapid introduction of new brands, fluctuating prices of generics, and the ever-changing pipeline of medications. All of these changes can cause confusion for people trying to navigate their health care needs and for providers trying to stay informed about the latest developments.
Building on Existing Foundations
We know many employer groups and PBMs already implement robust formulary and utilization management strategies to control costs. While acknowledging these efforts, we identified a crucial opportunity to help enhance member safety, drive down costs, and ultimately help health care outcomes. Rx Concierge is a program designed to complement existing strategies and achieve even greater results.

Delivering Benefits
One of the goals of Rx Concierge is to encourage medication adherence. For example, we found additional opportunities to increase adherence for asthmatics and diabetics by improving medication regimens.
Additionally, we recognized the financial impacts of the drug pricing environment. Through monitoring and strategic interventions, we identified 17,100 new interventions in 2023 alone. This resulted in substantial savings of over $19 million for our employer groups in 2023 by avoiding unnecessary or inappropriate pharmacy costs. This was all achieved without encountering any member or provider complaints.

Seeing the Benefits in Action
Rx Concierge offers guaranteed savings with no member disruption. In 2020, a large school consortium with over 40,000 members experienced double digit trends driven by increased pharmacy costs. By enrolling in Rx Concierge, this group mitigated trend and saved millions of dollars over the course of four years. Take a closer look at how Rx Concierge shed light on pharmacy savings for the consortium: Read the Case Study
Looking Ahead
It’s not every day that a program achieves both significant cost savings and high satisfaction rates. Looking to the future, we plan to continue finding new interventions to help increase member safety and drive down costs. At Candesa Pharmacy Solutions℠, we take pride in continuing our efforts to support greater access to more affordable health care.
To learn more about Rx Concierge, contact us today!